photo: Carola Rümper
My Home is my castle
Participatory project with photography exhibition
Residents of Kastanienboulevard and the surrounding areas are invited to be part of the project, providing a recent photo of their living room or one from the past. The photo series depicts an alternative social history about the theme “homeland”.
Further programming
Gunhild Kreuzer (artist)
The performance deals with the themes of migration, flight and racism
Higher Hopes
Alfred Banze & Stephan Groß, AV-Gruppe Kopi Kaputa (artists)
“HausMusik workshop” on classical songwriting and the setting of art production and mediation
Artists: Participate (Andreas Sternberg und Valentin Bentele / realization of art and culture projects), Carola Rümper (artist / artist run project space)
Festival insight by Joanna Kosowska