alpha nova kulturwerkstatt & galerie futura is a Berlin-based art space for exhibitions and cultural events with an explicit gendercritical perspective. The project was founded in 1986. It focuses on collaborations with women* artists. Based on a feminist selfconcept, we want to create a space which combines political intervention and artistic practices to develop critical perspectives for artistic and academic communities, as well as for society at large. The galerie futura presents thematic exhibitions with installations, netart, audiovisual arts and fine arts. Events such as film screenings, performances, concerts, readings and discussions take place at the alpha nova kulturwerkstatt. Thematic workshop series and roundtable discussions for cultural producers are also organized there. We also offer coaching and support in conceptional work and networking for women from artistic fields. alpha nova kulturwerkstatt & galerie futura work with various partner institutions and individuals on local, inter-regional, and international temporary projects.